Apparent discrimination in the clothing many people wear? Grow Up America!

A few days ago, I was reading this news story in a local newspaper and it was a story about a young girl in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania who got bullied and ridiculed from her high school Geometry teacher for wearing a pink colored support “Romney-Ryan 2012” campaign t-shirt there was nothing rude, indecent or dirty about it, it was just a regular t-shirt with the “Romney-Ryan 2012” campaign logo on it. The high school instructor yelled and screamed at the young lady to get out of her classroom and change clothing while at the same time making such ridiculous and idiotic remarks like comparing Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to the Klu Klux Klan, sorry I do not see any connection or collaboration there. The young lady did not budge or move at all and stood her ground it is her God given right to freedom of expression and no one and I strongly repeat no one has any right to tell you and/or force you to think differently. The father of this sixteen year old high school student is filing a formal protest and both he and his daughter want the high school geometry teacher fired for such immature and bullied behavior, in my point of view I hope that teacher does get fired we do not immature teachers and/or instructors that do not accept the freedom of expression from people in general but especially from young people. We need teacher and instructors that are open-minded and also listen, respect and accept different thoughts and points of view we all do not have to think the same way as well we do not have to look the same way. The high school geometry teacher when confronted by school officials about her immature and sporatic behavior just said “This was just a joke and I meant nothing by it” that is a line that every immature bully uses. My message to the immature high school geometry teacher would be this; grow up and stop pushing and bullying people because of the clothes they wear the joking and bullying are over. I think this should be a universal message leave people alone with the clothes they are wearing if they want to wear Obama-Biden 2012 campaign clothing attire or Romney-Ryan 2012 campaign clothing attire it is their right in this beautiful country of ours to do so and they can wearing their selected clothing attire with my blessing.

The Obama Health Care Plan and its imminent failure how about we try to create jobs instead.

I for one thought that United States President, Barack Obama plan for reforming the overall Health Care System or as it was called “Obamacare” was going to be something different and something cheaper than what we currently have as a Healthcare system now.  Wow, was I ever wrong, Obamacare which just happen to pass through the United States Congress and just barely got by the United States Senate is going to cost the American taxpayers more money than expected and as an unfortunate result the taxes of all the citizens in the United States are going to be raised and go up in order to make and force all Americans to pay for a Healthcare system that does not appear to be working properly and that has little or no support from not only health insurance companies and/or plans or as they are called HMO’s, from many Medical Doctors, Hospitals and/or clinics but by also many Americans do not trust the new Obamacare Health Plan System and the raising of fees and taxes to pay for a healthcare system that appears to be doomed for failure.  In my point of view, I think President Obama needs to strongly concentrate on creating more jobs and/or employment in this country so the United States Economy can get in better shape than what it currently is right now.  I know and understand that it is still a little early before the 2012 United States Presidential Election but it now formally appears that the entire country is fed-up and tired with the lack of Leadership and broken promises of Barack Obama so in other words this is probably going to be President Obama’s last act in office and it appears the people of the United States and/or the American Voter are ready for some fresh new Leadership in Mitt Romney and I have said this before and I will say it again, the Republicans need to make sure that three items must be faced when they get in the White House, Jobs, the Economy and bring back all our United States military from those battles that some we really should not be in, without any hesitation our country must continue and move forward with new and renewed leadership.  I do understand that we do need to tighten our financial belt and save money but we should continue to keep and maintain our system of Democracy and Capitalism because that is how we became the great nation that we are today.

Republicans are in trouble in regards to the Presidential Campaign 2012

Some time ago I said that Republican Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney was looking pretty good to win the GOP candidate spot in the upcoming United States Presidential Election 2012, then the Iowa Caucus took place and Rick Santorum came out on top by 13 or 18 votes to win the Iowa Caucus. Mitt Romney took second but was not worried because he took the New Hampshire Primary by a landslide, so Romney looked like the sure candidate right not quite, the South Carolina Primary took place and guess who joined the top spot for the Republicans, former U.S. House Speaker, Newt Gingrich he took South Carolina by storm with Mitt Romney in second place. I know and understand that this is still way to early in the 2012 Presidential Campaign to worry but to the Republican Party, I would start worrying a lot this is just a prime example of how divided the Republican Party is as well as our country.  The Grand Old Party (GOP) lacks stability as well as leadership for who will be the prime candidate to take on Barack Obama in the 2012 General Presidential Election.  Some say that Newt Gingrich has the power and ability to defeat Obama but others think that Romney has a better chance and just for the record some people think Rick Santorum still has an outside chance to win the Republican Party nomination for President. Not to be completely negative but this is now officially a disaster waiting to happen. The Republican Party needs to get their act together put all their differences aside and together as a whole select unanimously a strong and powerful Presidential candidate and Vice Presidential candidate that can defeat Barack Obama in November 2012. The 2012 Presidential Campaign now focuses on the Florida Primary and Mitt Romney must come out on top and win Florida if he is to be the top GOP Presidential candidate because if Newt Gingrich wins the Florida Primary that gives him some power and resurgence to put him as the top Republican contender which is not a bad choice because he does have a lot of political leadership and experience in government that can help lead our country out of this economic crisis and deficit as well as maybe bring back all our United States military soldiers and troops that are still fighting in wars in other countries risking their precious lives for us to be free.  I cannot say this enough, the Republican Party (aka: GOP) needs to get their act together in selecting a Presidential candidate that will beat Barack Obama but soundly or else as I mentioned previously this is just a blue print for disaster and the Democratic Party will take full advantage of it.  The GOP can only hope that they can have their Presidential candidate and Vice Presidential candidate before the 2012 Republican National Convention so the United States voters can see that this is a strong and unified political party with a strong Presidential and Vice Presidential candidate that the United States can be proud to elect to the White House.

The outlook for the year 2012 – Lets make it positive.

As the month of January and the new year of 2012 is in full swing, after all the holiday parties and New Years Day celebrations that we endured and enjoyed and are now behind us, we need to start to concentrate on the year 2012 but seriously.  We have two important events that our country, first the United States is facing the 2012 Presidential Election, right now is the time to start and begin communicating with everybody including friends, family, loved-ones, co-workers and just about any and every stranger that is of legal voting age and start campaigning for the 2012 Republican Party and/or GOP candidate whoever it might be.  I will be honest, I thought Mitt Romney was going to automatically run away with it because that is the only name that everybody mentions then comes the Iowa Caucuses the first real test for all the Republican candidates and Romney only wins the Iowa Caucus by a mere eight votes, Rick Santorum gets much needed momentum and believe it or not pulls into second place now making it a brand new race for the White House.  The Republican Party and/or GOP has shown that they are divided by the final results in the Iowa Caucuses and the Democratic Party loves and enjoys when the GOP is divided because they can move, convince and/or sway good GOP voters for their candidates and especially in the upcoming 2012 Presidential election that is just too big of a risk to take because we can end up with the same unfortunate and terrible results as the 2008 Presidential election where Barack Obama won and the people of the United States were not happy with the ultimate selection.  So as members of the Republican Party, we need to work very hard and start to be united and/or unified to the choice we are going for President of the United States including for upcoming Primaries and Caucuses and push the candidate as much as you can so we can bring the United States back to its proper place and return the United States Constitution as our legal system and our ways of government the way our founding fathers wanted to begin with, remember the old saying “united we stand, divided we fall” there is no further proof of real evidence than a Presidential election where as always each and every vote counts.  Second the large deficit that we are facing both for the State of California and for the United States, we need to also work hard and tighten our spending belts and not waste any money if possible the deficit was not made in one day but if we all work hard by making cutbacks and reductions year after year we can lower the deficit sooner than you know it.  Lets make the year 2012 a positive year as well as a financially productive year and get our country the United States moving and going towards the right direction with the right person for President of the United States.

The war is over in Iraq – how long will the peace last without the United States solldiers.

The war in Iraq is officially over and all the United States military, soldiers and troops are coming home, I would like to say thank you to them for all their hard work and sacrifice fighting for our country that is the good news. Now the bad news, how long will the peace and quiet last in Iraq and the Middle East in general without the American soldiers being there to keep the peace and not to add salt to the wound but I believe the war in Afghanistan is basically the same problem. My question is why does the United States have to get involved in other countries to help keep the peace, is it possible that the other countries can get along without any problem or the U.S. being there. My point is the recent war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan is mainly between two group(s) that have different religious customs and beliefs and they do not accept one another at all which leads to conflict and war ultimately. I personally believe that we should accept and respect each others beliefs and ideas (religious and other things) and just live in peace. Now if that does not work, I say we start using a strong session of Mediation and/or Conflict Resolution if it works here in the United States then I say we formally introduce it to the world anything that will help keep the United States troops, soldiers and military home is worth investigating not only for the United States sake but for the worlds sake as well. This upcoming new year, I think we should all start using our hearts in addition to our heads.

Republican Party Members and voters please think carefully – Presidential Election 2012

I was reading several news publications and many of them have already started making predictions about who should and will represent the Republican party as candidate for President of the United States.  As I presently see, Mitt Romney appears to be the leading front runner with maybe Newt Gingrich in a bit of a close second but again that is my opinion. What really worries me is that the United States voter is truly and really unpredictable which might explain how someone like Barack Obama was elected as our current President and Commander in Chief and we as a nation are strongly regretting it. My overall message to all the United States voters but especially to my friends and colleagues of the Republican Party please do your research and homework regarding each and every United States Presidential candidate no matter what political party or affiliation they represent so you make the wisest, smartest, and best choice. In addition, we need to be unified and/or united as a political party because the so-called Democratic Party (aka: Liberals and Socialists) thrive and take full advantage when the Republican Party (aka: GOP) is divided and has so-called new little parties (aka: The Tea Party) which tells America we are not in unison and we are overall divided which will tell the United States voter we better vote for another choice for President.  I am going to borrow this saying and cliché because it does relate to us as a political party at this moment; “United We Stand, Divided We Fall.”  If in 2012 we are going to elect a Republican as President of the United States in the White House, then we need to right now start being together and united to show America that we are a United political party and we are ready to help bring the United States back to its strong foundation, leadership, and back to a positive economic workflow and cashflow.

Is President Obama a bully or just a loud mouthed neanderthal

A few days ago, I was on my Facebook account and one of my friends posted a message that said; “I do not appreciate ruling by fear– nothing but a bully! Ooh! makes me so mad! Now I have to pray for him.” I assume that they were talking about United States President, Barack Obama and probably some rule, law, and/or regulation that he wants to pass and is making a big stink about it. I guess I need to clarify some things about politics and the system of government in the United States, we are a Democracy, we started as a Democracy and will continue as a Democracy by the thoughts and wishes of our Founding Fathers and the United States Constitution. President Obama (unlike other past Presidents of the United States) thinks he has the power to dictate new laws and regulations including maybe inputing a new budget with only the sound of his voice and the power of his signature with a pen to make it into law instantly. Fortunately (and I mean that honestly and sincerely) that does not take place it has to go to the other branch of government that we have the Legislative branch which is the United States Congress and the United States Senate, they have to see what the President would like to introduce and make into law that way the branches of the United States Government work together and cooperatively to see if it is best for the people of the United States. This is simple United States Government class, no branch of the United States Government can have more power than the other two maintaining the checks and balances system which so far has worked wonderfully. The President of the United States cannot be a bully or a dictator because he will be stopped at his tracks before his plans, ideas, or actions come into play without it first being looked at and reviewed by the Legislative branch. I understand that a lot of you are very worried at all the disarray that Barack Obama has done as our Commander In Chief, to which I say relax he cannot change our system of government from a Democracy into a dictatorship. We as a great nation have worked to hard to let that happen especially the United States Military and Veterans who some have given their lives to maintain our freedom. In closing I would like to say remember that the President of the United States only serves a four year term and after that he is finished unless we re-elect him again which in this case I am strongly against it and we need a President and a Leader who will continue to maintain our system of government which is made “With the People, By The People, and For the People” and that is how it should always be.

The 2012 Presidential Election; the choice for the GOP

I was reading the local newspaper and there was a story in regards to the Republican Party (aka: the GOP) and their choices for President of the United States. First let us see the choices that we have, former Senator and/or Governor, Mitt Romney who in my point of view is probably the best and most firm and stable choice that the GOP has against the Democrats and other political parties who might have a slight chance of making a difference or dent in the upcoming 2012 Presidential Elections. Second, we have Michele Bachmann of the now famous Tea Party (aka: a new smaller version of the GOP) let us be honest, I do not think Ms. Bachmann has any chance at all because she might be a little popular but she does not have the same experience, knowledge, and reputation that Romney has as well as other Republican candidates like Newt Gingrich have as well. Yes I said it, I would vote for Newt Gingrich for President before I would vote for Bachmann, she is just plain not ready for the presidential field yet wait four more years then she will be ready.  The United States voter is very different and determined in this upcoming 2012 Presidential Election, they are now going to be very careful who they elect as their Commander In Chief because they saw the grave error they made electing Barack Obama and they do not intend on making the same mistake twice.  The Republican Party and all the current GOP members that are in office especially in the U.S. Congress and U.S. Senate better start getting their heads together and working together to help solve the major economic crisis and deficit that is just growing and getting worse or in four years after 2012 we will be looking at maybe another Democrat or maybe another Political Party candidate in the White House.

The State of the United States Economy – Is Rome burning?

As I would listen to some news commentators on television give their thoughts and opinions about the failing United States economy and the growing deficit that has caused this economic crisis, I took a moment and thought to myself could we be headed to another “Great Depression” like in the 1940’s where unemployment was high and the only thing that helped saved the U.S. Economy was World War II believe it or not.  After the war ended, U.S. President, Harry Truman and the United States Congress ordered that the factories begin re-build and re-manufacture tanks, ammunition, guns, bullets, along with any other necessities needed to prepare for war again.  The American economy was flowing smoothly for a few years maybe even a few decades but now we are back in the same financial situation and/or rut again with a large deficit, high unemployment, and this time add on large companies going bankrupt and causing layoffs along with company executives embezzling and stealing millions of dollars from the businesses they work for.  Yes, it is safe to say that the United States economy can be compared to “Rome burning” and it is burning strong and slow but strong and if we as Americans do not help the problem now we might not have a great nation to be proud of anymore because we will probably be bankrupt.  I know I will probably sound like a broken record with all these cliches but everyone of us needs to do our part to help the American economy including save as much money as one can, save energy in both your home and your automobile by not driving so much and save gas, paying all your bills, and obligations first before wasting and spending money carelessly on things you do not need.  It appears that all the soldiers from Afghanistan will be returning home from service, first I would like to say thank you and God Bless all of you for serving our country, second, I am also very happy that this battle and/or war in Afghanistan is finally over because we will not spending and wasting  any more money over there and it can be used here to help us with our financial battle that is unfortunately just beginning.

GOP – Donald Trump for President in 2012 why not II

I understand that we are still a few days away from electing the President of the United States in the upcoming 2012 Presidential Election but as you can imagine the possible candidates list especially for the Republican Party is long and with names of many individuals that are not only smart and qualified to be the next Commander In Chief but maybe even smarter then the current United States President, Barack Obama, who many American voters are praying and counting down the days to which they get to throw him out of office legally and elect someone that is truly qualified and of course a natural born United States citizen born and raised in this country.  The Republican Party (aka; GOP) is looking at Donald Trump who in my point of view is a very talented and intelligent individual who will bring the United States back to Fiscal and/or Financial success and hopefully out of our large economic deficit, we will still probably need to tighten our belts financially and save as much money as we can but with Trump as United States President, he will guide us with a smart business sense that has been proven through the overall success of his own personal company.  Now the Republicans have other good candidates as well like Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin among others but I think the GOP will select Trump because I believe he would be the only one enough to defeat Obama in the 2012 Presidential Election.  That is also a grave mistake on the Democrats to depend on only one candidate, Barack Obama who it appears is not very popular at all in a very long shot.  When the United States voter enters the voting booth this 2012 Presidential Election they are looking for change and massive change in leadership in that.